
01 Learn with Purpose

If you are passionate about a career in contemporary film making,
Art-on-the-Run film school Berlin is the starting point for your film education!

Our hands on and in-service film making courses will provide you with all essential skills to become the filmmaker you want to be. If you want to learn how to direct, produce, edit and film in one exciting and comprehensive course provided by a film institute that works hand in hand with the vibrant Berlin film industry, carry on reading or apply now!

Apply now for the Art on the Run Film School Berlin

02 The Film School

Art-on-the-Run follows the reinvented education concept of Kaskeline-Filmacademy, which was originally invented by Heinz Kaskeline and now is delivered to you by a bunch of award-winning filmmakers that not only internationally succeeded in their individual careers as Directors, Producers, Cinematorgraphers or Editors, but also love what they do and now want to pass on their knowledge to young, talented and aspiring Filmmakers.

(Click on the person to learn more about them.)


Moritz Wessendorff

Creative Producer

Production Supervisor

“Being a filmmaker is everything but a safe haven.
That’s part of the beauty in it:
You just never stop moving.”

Juergen Hirsch


Postproduction Supervisor

“Living in my own little world
is a fulltime job..”

Katerina Chaimanta

Executive Producer


“There is no right or wrong
on your way to become
a filmmaker.
There is just the profession.”

03 The Course

Our comprehensive, practical, part-time 3 MONTH COURSE will provide you with the full range of filmmaking. By the end of the course, you will:
  • Understand the process of making a film from script to post-production
  • Understand the key visual storytelling tools of a director
  • Know how to edit
  • Have the skills needed to become an independent filmmaker
  • Know how film works aesthetically and technically
  • Be able to achieve a high level of proficiency using essential filmmaking equipment such as cameras, light & sound equipment
  • Know how a director prepares for a shoot and how to manage a cast and crew during production

The Course is a vocational training basis for your professional career in filmmaking that is certified by the state senate Berlin


Stephanie LeBolt

Acting Coach

Toxicity in the FilmIndustry

“Revealing the creative potential of each individual”

Berd Sena

Karl Golden

Director & Writer

Acting & Directing

“For me filmmaking is planned chaos.”

Rioghnach ni Ghrioghair 

Writer & Director


“Film is like the love of your life: you give your whole self to it, and it loves you back”

04 Give and Get


Minimum Age: 18
Course Language: English
6 to 8 Students Maximum

Evening Classes:
Every Tuesday & Thursday
6 PM – 9.15 PM
Weekend Workshops: 
Two per month


WINTER 24/25 I 27.01.25 – 02.05.25
Application Deadline: 24.11.24

SUMMER 25 I 09.06.25 – 14.09.25
Application Deadline: 06.04.25

FALL 24 I 17.10 – 19.01.25
Fully Booked!

Tuition Fee

Total cost: 1.750 €

Only one-off payment & we can´t offer scholarships 🙁


You can apply now for one of the following courses:  Winter 25, Summer 25 & Fall 25/26



Adi Halfin


Visual Storytelling

“Looking forward to this!”

Berd Sena

Eva-Luise Volkmann

Producer & Author

Documentary Film

observe the microcosmos, listen to others and yourself, be inspired by life, love what you do!

Berd Sena

Simon Baucks

Sound Recordist

On Set Sound

“Better not mess with the canaries 

05 The Studio

Our international film academy is based in Smallville Studio Berlin in the fun-loving vibe neighborhood of Prenzlauer Berg. The Studio is located in the ground floor of a residential building, with huge windows overlooking the park, including a seminar room, an open space daylight studio, digital in-house postproduction facilities and an equipment storage that holds 20.000 watts of lighting and camera types ranging from 35mm to 4k!


David Jahn

Director of Photography

Camera & Lights

“Let’s rather fix it in the camera.”

Ole Schwarz

Miles Mantle



“Concentrate on connecting with your work. That connection will keep you going.”

Susi Dollnig

Susi Dollnig



“In every corner of the world light differs – It’s the greatest pleasure to explore it!”

06 Get in Touch


Schönfließer Straße 13
D – 10439 Berlin
Mo – Fr I 11am – 5pm

+49 (0) 30 805 795 45
+49 (0) 176 102 795 97

Social Media

Click here for our Instagram
but If you really want to meet,
call us and make an appointment!



07 Join Us Now

We only offer a limited amount of places per course, so we have to select our students carefully.

And as we love films and you want to become a filmmaker we ask you to send us your application in a moving image. The video can be everything from self-portrait, experimental, visual poem, short or even an edit of external footage. We want to get a closer look on your creative approach, your idea of filmmaking. This is not about big production value, this is about art-on-the-run. The only restriction is the time: ONE MINUTE! Upload the video on vimeo, youtube or whatever channel and send the link along with the filled in application form below. Good luck!


    Please prove you are human by selecting the plane.

    08 Old School

    Wolfgang Kaskeline (* 1897) was a director of promotional films for UFA, as well as a producer
    and professor at the Berlin Weissensee School of Art and Design.

    Originally a painter, the movie enthusiastic art teacher and commercial artist ended up in the field of animated cartoons. In the 1920’s, Wolfgang Kaskeline already produced his first animated cartoons.

    Amongst others Kaskeline created the famous ‘Sarotti Mohr’, the little black boy who became the company’s trademark. With the beginning of sound film in the early 1930’s, he was one of the first directors to produce animated advertising films with sound. In 1949, Wolfgang Kaskeline founded the first film academy under private law in Berlin. In 1987 was the birth of the Kaskeline-Filmakademie in Berlin, managed by Heinz and Jutta Kaskeline. Based upon the approved ‘Hands-On’ method and the unique concept of the Kaskeline-Filmakademie, Art-on-the-Run Filmschool Berlin recreated the school both in a technical and theoretical sense to meet the requirements of the film industry of the 21st century.


    Art-on-the-Run Film School Berlin is a division of

    art-on-the-run production GmbH
    Schönfließer Straße 13

    D- 10439 Berlin

    Vertreten durch: 
Moritz Wessendorff


    Telefon: +49 (0) 176 10279597

    Handelsregister Nr.:
    HRB 195822 B
    Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Berlin

    Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
    Moritz Wessendorff


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    09 FAQ

    How often does this course take place in the year?

    Our 3-month filmmaking course takes place three times a year, starting in January, May and September.

    Do you offer a Fast Track Course?

    At the moment we just offer the 3-month course, but we have considered starting a shorter program. Please stay tuned and check our website for updates!

    What documents are required to apply for the course, and what happens after they've been sent?

    All you need is to fill out the online form and attach a link to a one-minute video. No extra documents are required! If you want to share with us any other previous projects that are longer in duration, please feel free to include the links in the comments section of the application form.

    If you enroll to the course, we’ll need a copy of your id or passport and proof of your liability insurance

    How can you support me with the Visa application?

    For the 3-month course you can stay in Germany with a tourist visa. If you require a Visa in order to stay in Germany for more than three months, make sure to plan ahead of time. The Visa application procedure can last from a few weeks to a couple of months. The requirements are different for every country, therefore we can’t provide any general advice. If your application gets accepted we can provide you with an invitation letter to the course, which you can then submit together with your Visa application to the embassy of your country of origin.

    – Please note that a student Visa is usually granted to full-time students and not participants of a training course like ours.

    Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course?

    Yes, you’ll receive a certificate of successful completion if you attend the classes regularly and finish the exercises assigned to you through the course. However, what is of more value will be the chance you’ll have to start building your portfolio through the school’s projects.


    Maximilien Luc Proctor

    Maximilien Luc Proctor


    Avant-Garde Cinema

    “Avant-garde or experimental? Both!”

    Mark Noonan

    Mark Noonan

    Writer & Director


    “Cinema is an incredibly young art-form, and its best is yet to come.”

    Stefan Gollhardt

    Stefan Gollhardt

    Sound Recordist

    On Location Sound

    “Hast Du Töne?”

    10 References

    And then? Below you find some external links to the work of very talented people we are proud of having joined our classes:
    To our students from all over the world:
    Thank you for all your talent and creativity!

    Watch it


    film school berlin

    After joining our classes Patricio completed his wonderfull short Lorenzas Bike in 2020.
    Besides others it was selected for the LA Shorts Festival. Congratulations!

    Learn more

    Patricio Mosse


    Helen is a Berlin based freelance video director and editor, currently working on music videos, fashion films and short documentaries.

    Learn more

    Helen Mergen (aka ORAVAYKA)

    Director & Editor

    Marko Montana is the award-winning director of the Almagro International Film Festival and founder of the Entropy Collective Berlin.


    Marko Montana

    Filmfestival Director

    Lei is a Berlin-Shenzhen based researcher and independent filmmaker with a love for tech-art, travel, documentaries, books, and discussions on science and society.

    Learn more

    Q. Lei

    Documentary Filmmaker & Curator

    Colombian born Juan Ramirez moved to Berlin to follow his dream of becoming a director and already started turning it into a reality.


    Juan Sebastian Jimenez Ramirez


    Filmmaker, Actress, SFX Makeup Artist, Production Designer and
    Editor of the AOTR project „DISTORTION“. Unbeatable as tag team with Jutta´s Best catering

    Follow her

    Linda Flemming


    A strong and ambitious man with production experience on HETV, online content, short films and music videos.  

    CV Talent

    Caleb Fosu


    Theo Warnier has won the audience award for his film Inbetween Samn.

    Learn more

    Theo Warnier

    Filmmaker & Philosopher

    Edward Stubber is a filmmaker specialized on advertising and music.

    Learn more

    Edward H Stubber

    Filmmaker & DP

    Sebastian Rodriguez is an internationally experienced video director, cinematographer, and award-winning video editor. He is specialized in turning company visions into engaging stories that people will love.

    Learn more

    Sebastian Rodriguez

    Director of Photography

    Laura has always loved movies and the art of creating them. She has been working as a camerawoman and editor for several years for a local TV in Brescia and completed the master course in cinematic arts after moving to Berlin to pursue her passion.

    Learn more

    Laura Nai


    Olivia (also signs as “Lilemi2”) is a Polish/Norwegian artist, who works and lives in Berlin. Her Film „Blue Heart“ was our favorite AOTR production in 2021! Let the 80ies take over!

    Watch it

    Olivia Waligora

    Art Director & Director

    Joining AOTR in 2016 Guille became a successful Director & DoP for Commercials and Narrative. His film „Mare“ was selected at festivals like Sitges, Oldenburg, Tirana, Málaga… totalling +60 selections, 9 prizes and 6 special mentions.

    Learn more

    Guille Vazquez

    Director & DoP

    Roberta is an interdisciplinary artist based in Berlin. She is involved in commercial and artistic projects through illustration, art direction, filmmaking and music. 

    Visit her

    Roberta Maddalena

    Interdisciplinary Artist

    Carlijn is a photographer, graphic designer, stylist, editor, creative content creator (and singer/songwriter but that’s for another time). And a very talented Filmmaker 😉 


    Carlijn Andriessen

    Photographer, Musician...

    AOTR is proud to announce that our former student, Mattia Vuono has won the category “Best Micro Film” at New York Tri-State International Film Festival! Congrats and cheers!

    Meet him!

    Mattia Vuono


    We might be a film school with roots that go back to a time when analog film was the thing but that doesn´t mean that we old school people can´t also join new school stuff… 



    film school berlin